Friday, August 13, 2010

Why Being Anti-Social Has Its Advantages

I've always had this problem. I think I'm a really friendly person and I love meeting new people and making friends, but honestly, a lot of the time I prefer to be by myself; and there should be nothing wrong with that. Yet people seem to think there is (my mother) and I suppose sometimes my awkwardness may come across as condescension. Not fun.
However, here I am my second full day on campus and I've hardly left my room. Maybe I have the wrong mindset but I don't think I'm going to meet people while I'm stomping around in the heat trying to find my classes or when I finally make it on to the bus. So why bother? I'll save those interactions for classes and clubs. Besides, it's kind of hard to feel like I'm missing out when I've gotten so much done on my own. I picked up guitar about a month and a half ago and I must say the going was slow. Now, with all the time I have on my hands, I've learned three songs in two days and I plan to spend the next few tweaking and perfecting.
So excuse me; you can go out and sweat while trying to find the Physics building, but I think I'll sit in my air conditioned room and work on becoming a musical genius.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who Wants to be Typical?

I'm sure you've (as in imaginary, enraptured audience) noticed that I like to make an attempt at being clever by introducing my musings with a funky title. So here I am, recognizing that I've been afflicted with an oh too typical teenage emotion: ANGST. Now, by no means am I new to this emotion, being the awkward, avoidant person that I am. However, taking my recent maturation (is that a word? lets just pretend it is for now)for granted, I assumed that I was over such a trivial, pre-adolescent emotion. Not so.

As it turns out, I am now 18, facing the crest of summer before freshman year of college. This is my time to act as crazy as I want before delving into the adult world. I had bravely planned to accept and revel in my self appointed role as resident slutfaced hoebag (too much? I say female empowerment)BUT along came...this guy. And I have to say, I kinda love him. Now, I'm the type of person that scoffs at "love", yet here I am, contemplating a tame summer all because I would feel guilty leading this guy on while screwing around with someone else. Not that we're together; I finally understand the term "talking". But I know I would be more than furious if he hooked up with someone else and let me tell you, hypocrisy is not the new colored skinnies.

So, in an effort not to be totally skanky (in a bad way),I finally ended things with an uncomplicated fb, and while I'm relieved to be rid of a somewhat possessive hypocrite, I'm a little disheartened by the onslaught of remorse that surrounds such a decision as I peer into my suddenly chaste future. I don't want to spend my summer not hooking up with strangers at clubs or my freshman year thinking about a bf back home when I should be experimenting, meeting new people. Furthermore, at the risk of sounding absolutely conceited, I'm terrified that this guy will never break up with me and I'll be stuck with him for the rest of my life. So here I am, confused, afraid to say "yes, let's be together" effectively kissing my slore days goodbye, but just as wary to lose what could be a great relationship.

Enter ANGST.

Monday, April 26, 2010

My Dearest Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Thou dost slay me with thine optic windows of deepest cerulean.
I'm not even sure if the latter part of that even made sense, but I do enjoy me some Hamlet. Or, make that Kenneth Brannagh circa 1998. Check dat ish:
hamlet Pictures, Images and Photos
Sexy, non?

There were two possible ways I wanted to take this post but considering the previous one methinks I shall go this route: Why is the UK so creatively incestuous?!?
Here we are watching Hamlet in class (while reading of course) and I'm sitting there wondering why the name Kenneth Brannagh sounds familiar. Yes, he is an amazing director, but he also happened to play Prof. Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Don't get me wrong, this was a pleasant surprise, until I looked him up and found that he was married to Emma Thompson, Prof. Trelawney herself, and starred in several movies with her. Then, when they divorced, he carried on a relationship w/ Helena Bonham Carter. Si, the one and only Bellatrix Lestrange. Let's not neglect to mention the presence of Wormtail (sorry, don't know his real name) in Hamlet. Then you think of Sweeney Todd, which starred Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman (my fave), and Jamie Campbell Bauer who will play Grindelwald in DH. He was also in New Moon with R.Pattz who played Cedric in GoF. Then we have Alice in Wonderland which starred Bonham Carter once again, alongside Rickman, and Frances de la Tour who played Madame Maxime in GoF.

Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy all of these actors, but it just gets a bit redundant, not to mention strange. Doesn't England have more actors/ actresses? Or is this some sort of elite clique much like our A-listers (*ahem* Brangelina)? Come to think of it, don't we do much of the same thing over here in the States? Perhaps I'm just not as aware of it. (Really though, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp need to make an amicable split and go their seperate ways).

One more: Aaron Johnson: gorgeous individual (more on him later). He was in Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging with that girl who played Jas (sorry, can't be bothered to look up her name). He also starred with her years earlier in The Illusionist, one of my favorite movies. How tricksy...

I suppose I will depart with one of my favorite quotaions from Hamlet:
"Have you eyes? Could you on this fair mountain leave to feed and batten on this moor? Ha, have you eyes?"

Friday, April 9, 2010

That Dude Looks Like a Lady...

So why is Steven Tyler screaming "DO ME!"? Perhaps he likes masculine women? Or feminine men? Either way, the point of this post is: I love nerdy guys! Did you enjoy that intro? Yeah, me too. So, yesterday, I said I was going to watch a few movies; and I did. And I would like to share something that the rest of the world has not seemed to catch on to. Nerdy underdogs can also be incredibly sexy. Case in point:
Jay Baruchel
Jay Baruchel Pictures, Images and Photos

Why yes, I did watch She's Out of My League yesterday. It was a really sweet movie and I highly recommend. Our good friend Jay here played a "5" who fell in love with a "10". And while he may actually be a 5 (or so), I still think he is incredibly adorable. I love that shy, self deprecating smile, even though I can live without some of the funky stuff he likes to do w/ his hair.I wish he was like that in real life,but he does seem to have a bit more confidence, as I found him posing aplenty for several photo shoots.
What I'm saying is, while I can appreciate a good looking man, they just don't do it for me. Johnny Depp looks all kinds of sketchy, Brad, and Orlando Bloom looked better as and elf. My faves? Here they come:

Rupert Grint in all his ginger glory:
rupert grint Pictures, Images and Photos

Jonah Hill: He makes me squeal [with laughter]. And, he rocks that Jewfro hardcore.
Jonah Hill Pictures, Images and Photos

Seth Rogen: "It's doggie style. It's just the style. We don't have to go outside or anything." Nuff said.
Seth Rogen Pictures, Images and Photos

David Desrosiers: I used to swear I would marry this guy, and he inspird me to pick up the bass. Wasn't long before I put it down though...
desrosiers Pictures, Images and Photos

Matt Tuck: He's gorgeous. That's all. Oh wait! AND he has an amazing set of pipes. AND he's Welsh. Need I say more?
Matt Tuck Pictures, Images and Photos

And my All Time Fave:
Michael Cera! I don't know why some people don't like him, but he's genuinely funny, and seems like a really nice, down to earth guy. Until I find the exact vid I was looking for, here goes:

So that's my list. Now you tell me who some of your favorite famous guys are. Whether they're a measley 5 or a smokin' 9.875.

(To be fair, there are quite a few legitimately good looking guys that I enjoy. I'll probably introduce them sometime that's not now...)

L8erz <3

Must Edit: I can't believ I forgot one of my all time faves:

Christopher Mintz-Plasse: He had me at McLovin'.
McLovin!!!!! Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Are YOU in the Mood?

For summer, sillies.
Without fail, here is one song that always gets me in the mood for flip flops and Dippin' Dots:

Doesn't it just look like a trip? Not that I would know what one of those looks like...
ANYWAY, I'm on Spring Break right now, which is why I have all this time on my hands. And, while my comrades are busy getting drunk and sunburnt down at PCB, I'm here searching for a way to get ready for summer. Check out my newest playlist:

Alive- P.O.D
Bailamos- Enrique Eglesias
Birthday Sex- Jeremih
Corona and Lime- Shwayze
Ride with Me- Nelly
Up All Night- Hinder
Summer Girls- LFO
My Own Worst Enemy- Lit
Flourescent Adolescent- Arctic Monkeys

Any other suggestions?

In an attempt to make my day somewhat more interesting, I think I'm off to watch some movies. Online. Oh yeah baby, living on the wild side. Will let you know what rocks, and what sucks, but until then,

Catch ya on tha flip side

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

here I go again...on my own?

got hella inspired by Mili B over at Baker's Dozen; check her out, she's one of my besties. Been trying this blogging ish for quite some time, but I never keep up with it. Point is, I need a place to speak candidly, blow off steam, and let my thoughts unfold, however random they may be. Hope you come along for the ride.

Gwen Stefani's voice: yea or nay? She's obvi talented, but sometimes...I'm just not feelin it. Plus, she named her kid Zuma Nesta Rock. Not cool Gwen. At least Kingston James McGregor is fairly mainstream; just the way we like it.

Adieu <3